Assasin Snail Clea Helena Aquascape
Assasin Snail also known as the Anentome Helena, these are active snails often used to lower a population of unwanted, invasive snails. There weren’t many choices of livestock to get rid of snails before the Assassin Snail, and none desirable. This snail is fantastic for removing bothersome, overabundant snails because it won’t attack your healthy shrimp or other fish and is easy to keep. In the wild they predominantly like river banks or lakes. Though the Assassin Shrimp is a true freshwater snail it will do well in slightly brackish water as well.
These snails will need to be placed in a well-established tank, one that has been cycling for a month or more. Additionally, they are not an air-breathing shrimp and will not do well in a tank with poor aeration. If you have gotten them for their hunting ability then make sure to not overfeed and they will take care of Pond Snails, Ramshorn and Trumpet Snails. These snails will clean up dead plant material and leave live plants alone, eat fish waste and algae wafers along with fish food. Algae wafers can be used as a supplement and you’ll want a brand that is high in protein and used for bottom feeders.
These snails will eat other snails on an average of one a day that is half their size. It is critical they get protein in their diet and if you don’t want them to turn on each other or other livestock in the tank you’ll want to feed them a healthy amount of meaty bloodworms that are frozen. They will feed on dying or dead shrimp and this is normal as is their scavenging on any dead livestock. When their water conditions are met and they are fed a healthy diet you will get up to fifteen eggs laid in a batch. They are soft and clear and they lay one every ten days or so, that will take about thirty days to hatch. The babies like to hide in sand for a few months until they are large enough to feel comfortable moving about the aquarium, this seems to take as long as six months.
These shrimp are not hermaphrodites or able to change genders and they seem difficult to sex so if you want them to breed you’ll need to purchase a group. These shrimp are very active and can be quite aggressive if they don’t’ have a regular supply of protein. They are mostly nocturnal, hiding under branches and ledges waiting to do their night hunting. Just four of these guys can clear a tank as big as 29 gallons of a heavy snail infestation in under 8 weeks if they’re not overfed.
In order to insure your Assassin Snail has a healthy shell you will want to provide them with a supplement for calcium, or a substrate with a calcium base. There are a couple of popular ways to do this; cuttlebones that are meant for birds, calcium substrate, marine calcium supplements. Keep your Assassin Snails well fed unless you want them to turn to other food sources such as baby shrimp or fish.
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These snails will need to be placed in a well-established tank, one that has been cycling for a month or more. Additionally, they are not an air-breathing shrimp and will not do well in a tank with poor aeration. If you have gotten them for their hunting ability then make sure to not overfeed and they will take care of Pond Snails, Ramshorn and Trumpet Snails. These snails will clean up dead plant material and leave live plants alone, eat fish waste and algae wafers along with fish food. Algae wafers can be used as a supplement and you’ll want a brand that is high in protein and used for bottom feeders.
These snails will eat other snails on an average of one a day that is half their size. It is critical they get protein in their diet and if you don’t want them to turn on each other or other livestock in the tank you’ll want to feed them a healthy amount of meaty bloodworms that are frozen. They will feed on dying or dead shrimp and this is normal as is their scavenging on any dead livestock. When their water conditions are met and they are fed a healthy diet you will get up to fifteen eggs laid in a batch. They are soft and clear and they lay one every ten days or so, that will take about thirty days to hatch. The babies like to hide in sand for a few months until they are large enough to feel comfortable moving about the aquarium, this seems to take as long as six months.
These shrimp are not hermaphrodites or able to change genders and they seem difficult to sex so if you want them to breed you’ll need to purchase a group. These shrimp are very active and can be quite aggressive if they don’t’ have a regular supply of protein. They are mostly nocturnal, hiding under branches and ledges waiting to do their night hunting. Just four of these guys can clear a tank as big as 29 gallons of a heavy snail infestation in under 8 weeks if they’re not overfed.
In order to insure your Assassin Snail has a healthy shell you will want to provide them with a supplement for calcium, or a substrate with a calcium base. There are a couple of popular ways to do this; cuttlebones that are meant for birds, calcium substrate, marine calcium supplements. Keep your Assassin Snails well fed unless you want them to turn to other food sources such as baby shrimp or fish.
Product Description :
PH range: 7.2-8
Hardness:8-15 GH
Temperature: 73-80F.
Life Span: 1.5 years
Size: .75-1’’
Diet: carnivorous/omnivorous
Habitat: Fully aquatic
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I am from Indonesia , would offer Aquascape Snail with cheap price , delivery from airport to airport
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